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"Doing stand-up was a happy accident that changed my life!"​


SEXomedy was developed in Teatro Luna's One Night Stand events that showcases women of color in various genres of performance art. During this time, multiple 15-minute pieces were presented on subjects such as dating, sex, and their relationship to Latinidad. Soon enough, there was enough material to create the workshop edition that debuted at Luna Central August 3, 2012. It would be further developed into a one hour, one-woman show for TL's Solo Tres Festival.


In the development of SEXomedy, Melissa decided to take advantage of a comedy workshop produced by Mike Oquendo, which are taught by some of Chicago's most prominent comedians. Two days after her workshop with Ken Garr, she was invited to be a Guest Spot at Joe's on Weed St. in August 2012, alongside seasoned and popular Latino comics. She soon found a new calling, and wealth of support.



Standing up!

Since that time, she has done multiple guest appearances, been a featured performer, participated in fundraisers, festivals, and has headlined at many up-and-coming comedy clubs. She has had the pleasure of working with Latin Soul Entertainment, EMC Productions, Mikey O Productions, and is looking forward to where here future in comedy may take her.




Ms. DuPrey has also recently taken on representation with Gray Talent Agency. As a comedic and dramatic actress, she can be seen in plays around town, and is starting to pursue her film career.




For booking and pricing, go to the Contact page.

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